Tuesday, June 1, 2010

the Forge

Since becoming a college graduate, I moved to Austin to live with my sister, Keith-Ann, her husband, Chad, and their 4 month year-old little girl, Rylan. Last week, I began teaching at a pre-school in Steiner Ranch, TX. I have loved my little adventure in Austin so far, and am excited to see what else the summer has in store. Here is a little update on where the Lord has brought me and what the next season of life holds!

He was the artist.
Her life was a canvas.
It revealed His glory.

What He has done-
a masterpiece in the making...

-In my time at Texas A&M University, I failed significantly, suffered greatly and grew immensely. I'm leaving behind the most cherished and challenging of times. I'm walking away with life lessons, authentic friendships, unforgettable memories and a passion for the Lord and this broken and hurting world.

Through the life the Lord has blessed me with, I now desire to testify of the gospel of God's love and grace to those suffering and in need.

"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me; the task of testifying of the gospel of God's grace." -Acts 20:24

What He has yet to do-
brush strokes to beauty...

In September, I will begin an 8 month discipleship program called the Forge at Pine Cove Christian Camps.

-The Forge is designed to prepare young men and women to become leaders for a lifetime of ministry. There, I will be trained in aspects of theology, leadership, identity and community. I will spend 19 hours in the classroom each week, travel on 6 different trips (including a 10 day study tour of Israel), serve at Pine Cove Camps during it's retreat season, and live in community with 24 other college aged men and women. Each of these settings will be geared to ensure my solid foundation and reliance on God and His word.

I have no doubt that this is where the Lord has me for the next year and am thrilled for the adventurous journey ahead!

How you can help-
pick up the paint brush and....


-Pray that I would be vulnerable enough to be broken down of who I am and built up in who He is. Pray that the Lord would humble me by revealing my fleshly desires, unknown sin and selfish ambition to the point of wholly surrendering my dependence on Him. Pray that I would believe and rest in the Lord's truth, love and grace. Pray that I would discover and taste the Lord as the one unconditional, all-sufficient, all-satisfying lover of my soul.

Lastly, pray that my time in the Forge will be used to bring glory and honor to His name and further develop me into the women of God He has created me to be.

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." -1 Peter 1:6-7

Invest for a lifetime-

be a part of the picture...

The cost of the Forge is $11,000.

-It would bless much more than just me if you took the opportunity to invest in my future life and ministry by making a tax deductible gift.
-If you would like to make a donation online please visit http://www.pinecove.com/ and click on 'Donate' at the bottom of any page. Then select, 'Support a Forge Student'. Include my name in the 'Donor Notes' before you submit your payment.

I would love to share more of my heart on the Forge as well as answer any questions you may have. Feel free to e-mail me at kara.ashley.wagner@gmail.com.

in His hands,