Tuesday, June 1, 2010

the Forge

Since becoming a college graduate, I moved to Austin to live with my sister, Keith-Ann, her husband, Chad, and their 4 month year-old little girl, Rylan. Last week, I began teaching at a pre-school in Steiner Ranch, TX. I have loved my little adventure in Austin so far, and am excited to see what else the summer has in store. Here is a little update on where the Lord has brought me and what the next season of life holds!

He was the artist.
Her life was a canvas.
It revealed His glory.

What He has done-
a masterpiece in the making...

-In my time at Texas A&M University, I failed significantly, suffered greatly and grew immensely. I'm leaving behind the most cherished and challenging of times. I'm walking away with life lessons, authentic friendships, unforgettable memories and a passion for the Lord and this broken and hurting world.

Through the life the Lord has blessed me with, I now desire to testify of the gospel of God's love and grace to those suffering and in need.

"I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me; the task of testifying of the gospel of God's grace." -Acts 20:24

What He has yet to do-
brush strokes to beauty...

In September, I will begin an 8 month discipleship program called the Forge at Pine Cove Christian Camps.

-The Forge is designed to prepare young men and women to become leaders for a lifetime of ministry. There, I will be trained in aspects of theology, leadership, identity and community. I will spend 19 hours in the classroom each week, travel on 6 different trips (including a 10 day study tour of Israel), serve at Pine Cove Camps during it's retreat season, and live in community with 24 other college aged men and women. Each of these settings will be geared to ensure my solid foundation and reliance on God and His word.

I have no doubt that this is where the Lord has me for the next year and am thrilled for the adventurous journey ahead!

How you can help-
pick up the paint brush and....


-Pray that I would be vulnerable enough to be broken down of who I am and built up in who He is. Pray that the Lord would humble me by revealing my fleshly desires, unknown sin and selfish ambition to the point of wholly surrendering my dependence on Him. Pray that I would believe and rest in the Lord's truth, love and grace. Pray that I would discover and taste the Lord as the one unconditional, all-sufficient, all-satisfying lover of my soul.

Lastly, pray that my time in the Forge will be used to bring glory and honor to His name and further develop me into the women of God He has created me to be.

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith- of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire- may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." -1 Peter 1:6-7

Invest for a lifetime-

be a part of the picture...

The cost of the Forge is $11,000.

-It would bless much more than just me if you took the opportunity to invest in my future life and ministry by making a tax deductible gift.
-If you would like to make a donation online please visit http://www.pinecove.com/ and click on 'Donate' at the bottom of any page. Then select, 'Support a Forge Student'. Include my name in the 'Donor Notes' before you submit your payment.

I would love to share more of my heart on the Forge as well as answer any questions you may have. Feel free to e-mail me at kara.ashley.wagner@gmail.com.

in His hands,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

College Station, TX

The Top 20 of what I'll miss most about College Station, TX.

1. My Roommates

Aren't they beautiful? These women saved my life on multiple levels and occasions. I will undoubtedly miss them most. Unreasonable laughter. Ridiculous happenings. Spontaneous adventures. Tears shed. Building up. Breaking down. Growth. Pillowtalk. Sonic runs and Spoons. Road trips. Parties thrown. Nights we'll never forget. Conversations that changed our lives. These women made my senior year what it was and I am eternally grateful for how the Lord specifically used each one of them to influence who I am today. Blessed beyond expression for the time of my life with each of you.

2. The Historic District
-Sitting out back... Whether under the shady oak on a sunny afternoon or beneath the obnoxious white Christmas lights- our backyard served as a perfect resting point for anyone walking back from Kyle Field, riding their bike home from class, or going on an evening run. I owe a huge portion of my social encounters of this year simply to our location in the Historic District.
-Brison Park... Just 65 walking steps down Welsh, Brison Park provided a place for Guinnie Hens to roam, a blanket to lay, a tree to climb, a book to read and a frisbee to throw.
-Morning Runs... Zig-zagging up and down the streets in the company of old fashioned picturesque houses with Matt Chandler, Ben Stuart or Matt Carter speaking truth into my ears, as friendly neighbors wave- whether working in the yard or walking the dog... always made for the most ideal start to any day.
-Evening Walks... Under streetlights walking side by side with the most treasured of friends discussing life, love and God, sharing wisdom and providing open ears and encouragement that often lead to unintended multiple laps and hours of blessed fellowship.

3. Blue Baker

-Words that became way too familiar, drained my bank account and consumed many, many calories... @breakfast: Spinach, Egg and Feta on and Everything Bagle; @lunch: Multi-grain bread, Pesto-mayo, turkey, Swiss cheese, tomatoes, spinach and sprouts (an item they rarely had, but I always asked for); @dinner: 9" Chicken Pesto Pizza. Blue Baker served as my very own library, girl date venue, recruitment head quarters, and place of quiet time from the Theta house.

4. Aggie Band Practice
-It rarely failed that each morning around 6:50am while I was making and eating my breakfast, I got to stomp my feet to the Aggie Warhem while the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band practiced for the upcoming Saturday football game.

5. Kappa Alpha Theta

-More memories than I can recollect... I owe the largest portion of gratitude for my college experience to this organization and the authentic friendships, awesome opportunities and monumental growth it provided.

6. Forest Ridge Elementary
-Student teaching. An experience that changed my life. I'll never forget the most rewarding, hysterical and challenging moments spent with the precious faces of 32 second graders.

7. Breakaway

-If it took staying up a little later or studying a little less, I was never at a loss by making the Tuesday night choice to go to Breakaway. 2 hours of guaranteed meeting with my Savior, soaking in Truth and walking away changed. Not to mention doing so alongside of over a thousand other Aggies.

8. Texas Country Music
-Hurricane Harry's, The Texas Hall of Fame and multiple concerts over the past four years have provided ample experience two-stepping to the art of Texas Country Music. I will never listen to "Chicken Fried" by Zac Brown Band or "Wear My Ring" by Bart Crow Band again and not imagine twirling around the dance floor.

9. Cowboy Boots

-Everywhere you go. Anytime of the day. You can't leave Texas A&M without a solid pair.

10. George Bush Library/Research Park

-My sanctuary. From freshman year to this spring, the George Bush Library parking lot and the grasses of Research Park have been the best of friends to me through the most joy-filled and sorrowful seasons of college.

11. Downtown Bryan

-Whether boutiquing at Old Bryan Marketplace, splurging at Madden's, indulging in artwork and hot tea at the Village Cafe, or Friday evening wine at Downtown Uncorked, this little town became the most satisfying place to treat myself.

12. The Midnight Train

-Always served as a healthy reminder to turn my lights off and go to sleep.

13. Southbound on HWY 6
-The countless ventures headed Southbound from Waco on HWY 6 provided some of the sweetest moments of windows down, radio up, talking to the Lord, day dreams, phone chats with old friends, deep meditations, a speeding ticket, a car accident, will-power to not pull over to use the restroom after the earlier Sonic Route 44, appreciation of Texas country side and far far more.
-The big maroon barn... regardless of the state of mind, when passing, allows you to stop for a moment and glimmer with Aggie pride.
-Calvert, TX... Home of Zamykal Gourmet Kolaches (best in the entire world) and the cooky kolache lady who always provided for the latter trip entertainment. Calvert also made for a perfect getaway just 30 minutes from College Station at the white gazebo, and the beautiful endless country roads, introduced by and enjoyed with the one and only, Vanessa Ferreira.
-Hearne, TX... Penny's Diner... nuff said.

14. Southern Chivalry
-Aggie men, If any one of you ever by chance stumbles across these words, know that your respect for women spoke loudly to those you encountered in your time at Texas A&M. For the times you took your hats off to shake our hands, opened the random doors of random buildings to see us walk through before you, helped carry groceries back from Lot 40 to the Commons, opening car door, after car door, after car door, making sure that we are home safe on a late night, standing up so that we could have a seat on the bus, hopping into the back seat so that we could have shot gun, allowing us to have the step before you and always valuing our desires before your own, thank you for showing us how we deserve to be treated as a lady.

15. Lake Bryan
-For the many sunsets, bike rides, running trails, cool waters, bonfires, camp outs and local opportunity of adventure. You allow the rebellious spirit inside of me avenue itself in a way that is exciting and unknown!

16. JJ's Snowcones, Shakes & Spoons (Sonic and Starbucks too)

-A few other names that were frequently seen on my bank statement and questioned by my parents, but always provided temporary satisfaction on a hot day (or cold), to the sweet tooth, for quality conversation, humorous moments, calorie in-take, caffeine and most of all, a smile guaranteed.

17. "Howdy, WHOOP, Hulabaloo Canek Canek & Gig 'em"

-A series of phrases, greetings, hoots, hollars and honks that encompass the Aggie Spirit. "From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. From the inside looking out you can't explain it."

18. the Rec
Whether stress relief, spring break prep, recXercise classes, social hour, wallyball, intramural games or laying out by the pool, the Rec often became my second home in College Station.

19. Sweets and Flowers
-living in a house of 6 girls, you celebrate 6 of everything- birthdays, holidays, ring dunks, wedding showers etc. It is almost always that for whatever occasion there are frequently fresh flowers in the kitchen and living room along with a plate of something or other cake, brownies or cookies anxiously awaiting anyone to step into the room to enjoy them.

20. H-E-B
-If I could avoid grocery shopping on Sunday evenings or from the hours of 3-9pm, weaving through the aisles of H-E-B, filling my cart with the ingredients to a brand new recipe, followed by an hour of cooking often provided the most productive form of therapy.

College Station, TX... there is no other place like you.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Life She'd Imagined


She loved life and it loved her right back.
She listened to her heart above all other voices.
She pursued big dreams instead of small realities.
She saw every ending as a new beginning.
She was kind loving and patient.... with herself.
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses.
She realized that she was missing a great deal by being sensible.
She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans.
She ignored people who said it couldn't be done.
She had a way of turning obstacles into opportunities.
She discovered that she was the one she'd been waiting for.
She added so much beauty to being human.
She walked in when everyone else walked out.
She just had this way of brightening the day.
She decided to enjoy more and endure less.
She decided to start living the life she'd imagined.
She was an artist and her life was her canvas.
She painted her thoughts with only the brightest of hues.
She ran ahead where there were no paths.
She designed a life she loved.
She took the leap and built her wings on the way down.
She said bye-bye to unhealthy relationships.
She remained true to herself.
She made the world a better place.

She must be something special. She is.

by Kobi Yamada

passionate. wisdom. priorities. resilient. self-esteem. tenderness. accountable. spirited. ambitious. independent. magical. of faith. presence. friendship. radiant. warmth. free. optimistic. brilliant. courageous. strength. compassionate. joyful. adventurous. happy. authentic. laughter. beauty.

Venturing into the world unknown, I aspire to be 'She'.