Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Life She'd Imagined


She loved life and it loved her right back.
She listened to her heart above all other voices.
She pursued big dreams instead of small realities.
She saw every ending as a new beginning.
She was kind loving and patient.... with herself.
She woke up one day and threw away all her excuses.
She realized that she was missing a great deal by being sensible.
She turned her can'ts into cans and her dreams into plans.
She ignored people who said it couldn't be done.
She had a way of turning obstacles into opportunities.
She discovered that she was the one she'd been waiting for.
She added so much beauty to being human.
She walked in when everyone else walked out.
She just had this way of brightening the day.
She decided to enjoy more and endure less.
She decided to start living the life she'd imagined.
She was an artist and her life was her canvas.
She painted her thoughts with only the brightest of hues.
She ran ahead where there were no paths.
She designed a life she loved.
She took the leap and built her wings on the way down.
She said bye-bye to unhealthy relationships.
She remained true to herself.
She made the world a better place.

She must be something special. She is.

by Kobi Yamada

passionate. wisdom. priorities. resilient. self-esteem. tenderness. accountable. spirited. ambitious. independent. magical. of faith. presence. friendship. radiant. warmth. free. optimistic. brilliant. courageous. strength. compassionate. joyful. adventurous. happy. authentic. laughter. beauty.

Venturing into the world unknown, I aspire to be 'She'.


  1. Beautiful first post, kare! I can't wait to see your new blog unravel :)

  2. love it. :)

    welcome to the blog world, little. it is about time.

  3. kara - fabulous!!! so well written and entertaining! can't wait to see more from my creative (and beautiful) niece!
